Interface | Description |
Enclosure |
Enclosure in MIME envelope.
Envelope |
Postman |
Protocol |
Mail network protocol.
Stamp |
Stamp for a MIME envelope.
Wire |
Wire used by a
Postman . |
Class | Description |
Envelope.Constant |
Envelope that always returns the same message (within one hour).
Envelope.Draft |
Envelope that adds DRAFT flag to the message.
Envelope.Mime |
Default envelope.
Envelope.Safe |
Safe envelope that adds missing parts to the message.
Envelope.Strict |
Strict envelope that fails if message is not valid.
Postman.Default |
Default postman.
Protocol.Smtp |
SNMP protocol.
Protocol.Smtps |
SMTPS protocol.
Token |
User signature to network node.
The best way to use it is to make an instance of
Postman postman = new Postman.Default( new SMTP( new Token("user", "password").access( new Protocol.SMTP("", 587) ) ) ); postman.send( new Envelope.MIME( new Array<Stamp>( new StSender("Yegor Bugayenko <>"), new StRecipient("Jeff Lebowski <>"), new StSubject("dude, how are you?"), new StBCC("") ), new Array<Enclosure>( new EnPlain("Hi, long time no see! :) Check my pic!"), new EnBinary( new File("/tmp/picture.gif"), "my-picture.gif", "image/gif" ) ) ) );
The only dependency you need is (check our latest version available at
<depedency> <groupId>com.jcabi</groupId> <artifactId>jcabi-email</artifactId> </dependency>
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